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New Lancaster Original

Prints now available- still open for business!

I'm delighted finally to be able to launch my new original painting and prints of 'The Power and the Glory'.

The title for this painting was inspired by a Lancaster rear gunner who told me that he always began to recite the Lord's Prayer at the start of the take off run, as it perfectly fitted the time before becoming airborne.  I don't think he was particularly religious, but when you're travelling backwards at 100mph along with thousands of pounds of high explosive and fuel, (whilst being driven by a pilot not old enough to shave), you need all the help you can get!

Of course, the Power and the Glory also refers to the four mighty Merlin engines at full boost and the evening light capturing the glorious lines of the immortal Avro Lancaster.

Prints are available HERE and the original is available HERE

Also just uploaded are two new Osprey original paintings featuring the Vickers Wellington and the Arado 234. See the originals page HERE for more details.

Happy to say that as of 23 March we can still send prints out, they might take a bit longer to get there but otherwise things should be fine.